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Process Tribes is the largest community of process people online. Since our launch in 2021, we’ve promoted the growing field of process analysis & improvement to both new and long-time practitioners.



Our weekly content covers topics from process mining, analytics, workflow automation & RPA to digital transformation and business performance. Among the contributors to Process Tribes are tech veterans, process community leaders, and industry influencers with unique perspectives on process management.

Members of each tribe come with  unique perspectives, knowledge and experience from all over the industry and can share thoughts on how to be a better Process Driven practitioner. 


The site’s contributors are tech veterans, Process improvement experts and influencers who share insights based on both personal experience but also by leveraging process-driven strategies that others within your organization may not have considered before!


Process Tribes has multiple categories of interest to practitioners and we’re adding more. The contributors are subject matter experts and  share their insights and practices on a regular basis. 

Process Tribes community site is the perfect place to learn new techniques, get inspired by others’ successes and connect with other process-focused individuals in order to build a collaborative environment. So if you are looking to sharpen your skills as a Process analyst, consultant or manager or want to explore what the role could entail, be sure to visit our website and join the tribe today!

If you are a process driven person, then Process Tribes is the community for you! 

Want to join the Perceptif Community?

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