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ProcessTribes is the largest online community for process people, offering daily content to inspire, challenge, and expand the thinking of all process practitioners (including process analysts or improvement managers, business consultants, functional executives & leaders in Finance, Sales, Marketing, HR, operations or digital transformation champions. 

We’re always on the lookout for authors who are true process practitioners (at heart), with experience in the trenches of everything from feature flagging to roadmapping to user testing.


Why Should I Contribute?

Process people are renaissance people — maybe you’re already publishing, maybe you’re writing and it’s just sitting there, or maybe you’ve been thinking about writing but need a little nudge. ProcessTribes has thousands of readers every month; it’s a great place to share your experience and perspective, and get your name (and your company’s name) out there.



Ok, I’m Interested. How Does It Work?

We make it as simple as possible for you to contribute — and offer as much (or as little) hand holding and editing as you need or want.

The process is (generally) as follows:

  • We set up a quick call with our editor to brainstorm ideas and figure out what you might want to write about. 

  • Working around your schedule, we set a timeline for outline, draft, and target publication date. 

  • Our editor checks in periodically to help you along as you write your draft.

  • Once your draft is complete, we make our edits, then send back to you for last-minute tweaks.

  • You approve the edited draft and then we publish it to ProcessTribes.

  • We have an “Author” page with your photo and details so that any interested readers can reach out to you via social media channels. Its a great platform to build your BRAND

Once your piece is published, we share it widely (and so should you)!



What’s the Time Commitment?

We get it, you’re busy. You’re a process driven manager, after all. Typically, our contributors will block a couple of hours to write their draft, and another hour or two for revisions once they get feedback. This can happen over a couple of weeks, so you can do it while you’re on a plane/train/waiting for your kid to finish practice/whenever inspiration strikes.



What Should I Write About?

We want your takes on any and all things related to process analysis, business improvement, workflow automation and process-adjacent topics. This includes — but is not limited to — industry trends, advice and tips, best practices, war stories, tools and solutions, and personal observations related to product management. Also, we strongly prefer articles that take a stand to those that simply list observations. 

As far as what NOT to write about, we recommend steering clear of anything too self-promotional, vendor specific or sales-y. We maintain a strict editorial mandate focused on publishing editorial-quality, non-promotional content.

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Fill out the Form Below.

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Are you process-driven?
Do you see value from process improvement?
Become a contributor to share your point of view!
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