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Иван Кириллов
Dec 31, 2022
In Insurance
تتضمن المواطنة الرقمية مجموعة من الأبعاد التي تشكل بمجملها هذا المفهوم. ومن أهم هذه المعايير: المعايير الرقمية، والاتصالات الرقمية، والتعليم الخاص بتدريس التكنولوجيا واستخدامها، والوصول الرقمي، والتجارة الإلكترونية، والمسؤولية عن الممارسات الرقمية، والحقوق الرقمية، والسلامة الرقمية نتيجة استخدام التكنولوجيا. ونظراً لوجود بعض المخاطر التي ترافق استخدام وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي فإنّ الجانب الأخلاقي يمثل بُعدا ًمهماً للمواطنة الرقمية. وحتى يتم تزويد الطلبة بالمؤشرات اللازمة بمفاهيم المواطنة الرقمية وصولاً لتنميتها لدى الطلبة؛ فإنّ ذلك يستدعي مرور الطلبة بمراحل تنمية المواطنة الرقمية، والمتمثلة بالمراحل الآتية: مرحلة الوعي: وتعنى بتزويد الطلبة بما يؤهلهم ليصبحوا مثقفين بالوسائط التكنولوجية، وذلك يعني تجاوز الإحاطة بالمكونات المادية والبرمجية والمعارف الأساسية، انتقالا لمرحلة تبصر الاستخدامات غير المرغوبة لتلك التكنولوجيا. إدارة التسلط عبر الإنترنت: القدرة على اكتشاف حالات التسلط عبر الإنترنت والتعامل معها بحكمة. إدارة الأمن السيبراني: القدرة على حماية بيانات الشخص عن طريق إنشاء كلمات مرور قوية وإدارة مختلف الهجمات الإلكترونية. إدارة الخصوصية: القدرة على التعامل مع حرية التصرف في جميع المعلومات الشخصية المشتركة عبر الإنترنت لحماية خصوصية الآخرين. التفكير الناقد: القدرة على التمييز بين المعلومات الحقيقية والخطأ، والمحتوى الجيد والضار، والاتصالات الموثوقة والمريبة عبر الإنترنت. البصمات الرقمية: القدرة على فهم طبيعة الآثار الرقمية وآثارها الواقعية وإدارتها بشكل مسؤول. التعاطف الرقمي: القدرة على إظهار التعاطف تجاه احتياجات ومشاعر الآخرين على الإنترنت. مرحلة الممارسة الموجهة: وتعنى بالمقدرة على استخدام التكنولوجيا في مناخ يشجع على المخاطرة والاكتشاف، وبما يمكن من إدراك ما هو مناسب من الاستخدامات التكنولوجية وما هو غير مناسب. مرحلة النمذجة وإعطاء المثل والقدوة: وتعنى هذه المرحلة بتقديم نماذج إيجابية مثالية حول كيفية استخدام وسائل التكنولوجيا في كل من البيت والمدرسة حتى تكون تلك النماذج المحيطة بالطلبة من آباء ومعلمين نماذج للقدوة الحسنة يمكن أن يتخذها الطلبة قدوة لهم أثناء استخدامهم للمواطنة الرقمية. مرحلة التغذية الراجعة وتحليل السلوك: وفي هذه المرحلة تتاح للطلبة فرص مناقشة استخداماتهم للتقنيات الرقمية داخل الغرف الصفية، وصولاً لمرحلة امتلاك المقدرة على نقد وتمييز الاستخدام السليم للتكنولوجيا داخل الغرفة الصفية و خارجها من خلال تأمل ذاتي لممارساته. ويشـير مـا سـبق إلى أنّ المواطنـة الرقميـة تنطـوي علـى إعـداد الأفـراد لمجتمع ملـئ بالتقنيـة، بإكسـابهم المهـارات التقنيـة المختلفـة، وتـدريبهم علـى الالتـزام بمعـايير السـلوك المقبـول عنـد اسـتخدام التقنيـة بالمدرسـة أو المنـزل أو أي مكـان آخـر. اتفقت الدراسات على عدة ضمانات لابدّ من توفرها في المواطنة الرقمية ووضع قواعدها وغرسها في الطلاب في إطـار المنظومـة التربويـة. ويعـد مفهـوم الاحـترام أحـد أسـاليب توضـيح و تعلـيم محـاور المواطنـة الرقميــة. (17) وجدير بالذكر أن تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات تستخدم على نطاق واسع في الحياة اليومية ولها تأثير كبير في السلوك، وهو ما برز معه في الوقت الحاضر مفهوم المواطنة الجديدة كنتيجة لاستخدام مكثف للتكنولوجيا. (11) و في ضوء هذا الاستخدام الواسع لمجتمع التكنولوجيا، يصبح من الضروري تعزيز الجوانب الإيجابية للتكنولوجيا، والاستفادة منها وتوجيه المجتمع لتحقيق معايير المواطنة الرقمية. (12)فالاستخدام الواسع للأدوات الرقمية أدى لخلق مواطن رقمي ضمن مجتمع رقمي، لهذا بات من الضروري وضع ضوابط ومعايير لضمان التأثير الإيجابي لهذا التقدّم بهدف حمايتنا من مخاطر هذا التطور المتسارع في مجال التكنولوجيا، والتغلب على سلبيات الإنترنت خاصة والتكنولوجيا بوجه عام، فالمواطنة الرقمية ليست تقنية، ولكنها ثقافة يجب أن تتوفر لدى جميع المستخدمين الرقميين. المواقف نموذج موجّه للمجتمع بحيث تعزز الرفاهية والمرونة والنموذج الايجابي للعديد من مزايا التكنولوجيا. يعمل المجتمع معاً؛ لتحديد المخاطر، والمشكلات المحتملة من الإنترنت. إدراك أهمية دمج مهارات محو الأمية الرقمية في برامج تعليم وتعلم فعالة. يمكننا عرض أهم التطبيقات التي يمكن استخدامها في تنمية مهارات المواطنة الرقمية على النحو الآتي: جدول يبين أهم تطبيقات تنمية مهارات المواطنة الرقمية: ونستنتج مما سبق أن التعليم الجيد للمواطنة الرقمية يتضمن فرصا للتقويم الشامل والمتكامل بهدف تقديم التغذية الراجعة التي تعطي الطلاب فهماً أفضل لنقاط قوتهم وضعفهم في استخدام التكنولوجيات الحديثة، حتى يتمكنوا من العثور على طرائقهم الخاصة لتحقيق النجاح. وفي نهاية المطاف، يحتاج قادة التربية والتعليم إلى فهم أهمية المواطنة الرقمية كأساس الذكاء الاجتماعي الرقمي. وإذا لم يتحاور صانعو السياسات التعليمية مع المربين والطلاب المثقفين لإنشاء ثقافة رقمية، فسيكون من الصعب التغلب على المشكلات التي ستظهر. (19) إنّ المواطنة الرقمية غالباً ما يتم تجاهلها من قبل المعلمين والقادة ، وهذا على الرغم من حقيقة أنّها أمر أساسي لقدرة الشخص على استخدام التكنولوجيا والعيش في العالم الرقمي، وهي الحاجة التي تنشأ من سن مبكرة جداً. هذا ويجب أن يبدأ الطفل في تعلم المواطنة الرقمية في أقرب وقت ممكن… ويميل المعلّمون إلى الاعتقاد بأنّ الأطفال سيكتسبون هذه المهارات بأنفسهم أو أنّ هذه المهارات يجب أن تكتسب في المنزل. ومع ذلك، وبسبب فجوة الجيل الرقمي، لا يعرف الآباء و المعلمون كيفية تزويد الأطفال بهذه المهارات بشكل كافٍ. لذا فغالباً ما يتعرض الأطفال الصغار لمخاطر الإنترنت، مثل الإدمان على التكنولوجيا والتسلط عبر الإنترنت والاستمالة. التعليم العالي في مصر - OECD وبينما يواجه معظم الأطفال مثل هذه التحديات، يتم تضخيم التعرض الإشكالي للأطفال الضعفاء، بمن فيهم ذوو الاحتياجات الخاصة والأقليات والمحرومين اقتصادياً، فهم لا يميلون إلى أن يكونوا أكثر تعرضاً للمخاطر فحسب، بل يواجهون أيضاً نتائج أكثر حدة. إذن ما المهارات التي يجب أن نعلمها لأطفالنا كجزء من مواطنتهم الرقمية؟ هوية المواطن الرقمي: القدرة على بناء هوية صحية وإدارتها عبر الإنترنت. إدارة وقت الشاشة: القدرة على إدارة وقت الشاشة، وتعدد المهام، وانخراط الفرد في الألعاب عبر الإنترنت ووسائل الإعلام الاجتماعية مع ضبط النفس. وتضــم كــل فئــة ثلاثــة موضــوعات يجــب تعليمهــا للمســتخدم منــذ نعومــة أظــافره و مرحلتــه الأولى في الانضـمام إلى المجتمع الرقمـي، ويمكـن الإشـارة إلى أهـم هـذه الضـمانات و العناصـر المكونـة للمواطنـة الرقميـة فيمـا يلي: ضمان فرص الوصول الرقمي المتكافئ لكافة الطلاب Digital Access. ضمان إتاحة خيارات الاتصالات الرقمية Digital Communication. ضمان تعليم الطلاب استخدام التقنية و أدواتها Digital Literacy. (7) وعموما يوجد اهتمام متزايد بتحسين المواطنة الرقمية للشباب من خلال التعليم. (18) فالتربية من أجل المواطنة تلعب دوراً مهماً في تطوير الحياة المدرسية، كتقليل العنف، ورفع مستوى التحصيل الدراسي. (1) لقد تمّ تجاهل ممارسات الأطفال الصغار عبر الإنترنت إلى حدٍّ كبير على مدى العقد الماضي من قبل صانعي السياسات في معظم البلدان. (26) كما أحدث استخدام الانترنت وتطويره تغييرات كبيرة في مجال التعليم. رائد في مجال التكنولوجيا الرقمية، جارون لانيير، يتحدث عن [يعيش HD##] الخليج الفتح شاهد المباراة 15 ربيع الأول 1444 (4) وعلى المستوى العربي لا زالت التربية على المواطنة الرقمية من الموضوعات التي لم تحظ بالاهتمام الكـافي، في حين أن الدول المتقدمة مثل بريطانيا و استراليا و الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية حرصت علـى إعـداد المـواطن الرقمي من خلال إطلاق المبادرات وتضمين المواطنة الرقمية في مناهجها التعليمية. (5) فمحو الأمية الرقمية يتطلب مجموعة محددة جداً من المعارف ومهارات التعليم مقارنةً بالأهداف الأخرى الموجودة حالياً تحت مظلة المواطنة الرقمية. (18) أصبح الإنترنت اليوم من مظاهر الحياة اليومية للأفراد، ومما ساعد على هذا استخدام التطبيقات والوسائل الإلكترونية وتوظيفها في شتى المجالات، مثل الأعمال والتعليم، ومن قبل مختلف الفئات في المجتمع ومن بينهم الطلبة. وبالرغم من الآثار الإيجابية العديدة المترتبة عن استخدام هذه التطبيقات الإلكترونية من قبل الطلبة إلا أنها تنطوي على الكثير من المخاطر؛ وهو الأمر الذي يستدعي توعية الطلبة بكيفية التعامل معها من منطلق الحرص على توظيفها بالطريقة الأمثل ودرء مخاطرها. (20) ويتعين على نظام التعليم في جميع أنحاء العالم أن يستعد للثورة الصناعية الرابعة الوشيكة، حيث أنّ سوق العمل سوف يكون مدفوعاً إلى حد كبير بتقدم الاقتصاد الرقمي، والروبوتات، و الذكاء الاصطناعي، وتكنولوجيا الأتمتة. (24) فالتحوّل الرقمي قد تمّ وصفه كآلية للتعلّم عند اكتساب الطلاب لمعرفتهم وتوحيدها وتعميقها مع استمرارهم في التعلّم. [لايف سبورت>>] الرائد الطائي عبر الانترنت 14 ربيع الأول تفاصيل وموعد مباراة الرائد والتعاون بتاريخ 31-12-2022
Иван Кириллов
Dec 30, 2022
In Insurance
Bet:2nd Half, Total 2 Over(0. 5)Stoke City has conceded in 9 of the last 10 home games. Burnley has scored in each of their last 21 Championship games. Bet:Total 2 Over(0. 5)1. 29Stoke City ReviewAt the moment, Stoke City has 30 scored points, and for such a competitive championship as Championship this, alas, is too little. The 17 line in the table is the result that this team fully deserved with its game. The level of their play is clearly shown by their statistics - 8 wins, 6 draws, 10 defeats. In these matches, they score on average 1. 2 and concede goals to 1. 3. 18+ 50% First Deposit Offer up to KSh 5, 000 UNIBET - Sportsbook: click for details T&Cs apply. 19+ Bet £10 & Get £50 in Free Bets For new customers at bet365. Min deposit requirement. Free Bets are paid as Bet Credits and are available for use upon settlement of bets to value of qualifying deposit. Min odds, bet and payment method exclusions apply. 18+ ¡Pronostica los goles en Qatar! 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Stoke City vs Burnley Prediction on today 30 December 2022 FootballMatch PreviewStoke City vs Burnley prediction. The meeting will begin today 30 December at 19:45. Below we will acquaint you in detail with all the important factors that can have a serious impact on the outcome of this match, and we will also try to improve. H2H Stats and Previous ResultsIn total, the teams played 23 matches against each other. From these meetings, Stoke City emerged victorious in 7 matches, while Burnley emerged victorious in 9 matches. The fact that the 7 games ended in a draw should also not be overlooked. The last time the teams identified the strongest 5 October 2022, that meeting ended with the score 1:1. For all 23 matches, they scored 19-19 for each other. Algemene voorwaarden. 18+ Register today & bet on your favourite sport T&C apply 18+ Score a 100% Match Deposit up to R1, 000 + 20 Spins Verifică toate promoțiile aici! Bonus 100% up to €100 Max bonus €100. T & C apply. 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Stoke City conceded in the 2nd half in each of their last 4 games against Burnley. Burnley scored in the 2nd half in 10 of the last 11 Championship games. Las apuestas gratis se pagarán como créditos de apuesta. Se liberarán sus créditos de apuesta cuando se determinen sus apuestas válidas. Se aplican cuotas mínimas, exclusiones de apuestas y métodos de pago. Las ganancias no incluyen el importe de los créditos de apuesta. Se aplican límites de tiempo y condiciones. 8 scores concedes per game, respectively. Of course, these statistics clearly leave much to be desired. Best OddsBest OddsThis block provides the user with the opportunity to view and compare the statistics of the Stoke City and Burnley teams in detail based on the results of the last 10 matches of each team. The user can get acquainted with such detailed statistics as Wins, Losses, and Average total, etc. Show moreStandingsThis block has the most up-to-date information on the championship standings. 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This team scores this season on average 2 goals per game, while at the moment they are conceding 1 goals per game. They also look dull in away matches - 1. 18+ 300% deposit bonus 100% bonus up to €100 Con el 1er depósito elige tu oferta de S/40 Hasta $30 en créditos de apuesta para nuevos clientes Ingreso mínimo: $5. Para liberar los créditos, se requiere realizar apuestas del valor del ingreso válido. Se aplican cuotas mínimas y exclusiones en métodos de apuesta y pago. Los créditos no se pueden retirar. Burnley v Stoke, 2016/17
Иван Кириллов
Dec 30, 2022
In Insurance
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New customers only. 67 10 38. 9% 61. 1% 22. 22% 38. 89% Change team stats: All Home Away Form team: D D 9 1. 50 4/6 20 1. 11 72. 2% 33. 33% 50. 00% Last matches Dodoma Jiji FCLast matches Kagera SugarLatest matches with results Dodoma Jiji FC vs Kagera Sugar Teams Dodoma Jiji FC Kagera Sugar played so far 5 matches. Dodoma Jiji FC won 0 direct matches. Kagera Sugar won 1 matches. 4 matches ended in a draw. On average in direct matches both teams scored a 1. 00 goals per Match. Dodoma Jiji FC in actual season average scored 0. 67 goals per match. Dodoma Jiji FC vs Kagera Sugar live score, 30 Dec 2022 | FOOTLIVE - footlive. comEngland Italy France Germany Spain Greece Portugal Youth Results Europe (A-L) + Europe (M-Z) + America + Asia + Africa + Oceania + Match Dodoma Jiji FC vs Kagera Sugar results and Live score on footlive. com. Dodoma Jiji FC - Kagera Sugar match for Tanzainia: Ligi Kuu Bara starts on 30/12/2022 at 17:15 UTC/GMT. 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How it works: 1. Place an Each Way First Goalscorer bet on any Soccer match. 2. 00%) Under 1. 5: 3 (60. 00%) Over 2. 5: 1 (20. 00%) Under 2. 5: 4 (80. 00%) Dodoma Jiji FC: 2 Kagera Sugar: 3 Dodoma Jiji FC: 3 Kagera Sugar: 2 Dodoma Jiji FC: 0. 40 Kagera Sugar: 0. 60 Statistics of the seasonAllHomeAway Show schedule for teams Dodoma Jiji FC and Kagera Sugar Select two teams to view direct Team Comparison. When you select teams we will show you: direct matches stats, the last matches of selected teams, league table, top scorers, Under/Over stats, Handicap stats, corners stats and a lot of more statistics etc. Dodoma Jiji vs Kagera Sugar Live Score - Betting Tips Today Dodoma Jiji FC vs Kagera Sugar live score, 30 Dec 2022 | FOOTLIVE - footlive. comEngland Italy France Germany Spain Greece Portugal Youth Results Europe (A-L) + Europe (M-Z) + America + Asia + Africa + Oceania + Match Dodoma Jiji FC vs Kagera Sugar results and Live score on footlive. com. Dodoma Jiji FC - Kagera Sugar match for Tanzainia: Ligi Kuu Bara starts on 30/12/2022 at 17:15 UTC/GMT. With footlive. com you can follow Dodoma Jiji FC results and Kagera Sugar results. Live results, Goal Scorers, Half Time result, Full-Time result, 2nd Half result, h2h, head to head, line ups, goals, red cards, yellow cards, statistics, betting, follow the game with foot live. Dodoma FC vs Kagera Sugar FC live score, H2H and lineups If your player scores at any time during the game in 90 minutes play, we will pay you out for unlimited places*. *Bets settled at the terms indicated. For full details on bet settlement please refer to our First Goalscorer rules. 100% Μπόνους Αρχικής Κατάθεσης εως 100€ Διαθέσιμη μόνο για νέους πελάτες. Ισχύουν όροι και προϋποθέσεις. 18+ BEZRISKA LIKME LĪDZ €100 Gamble Responsibly. Terms & Conditions apply. 18+ 300 RON Pariu fără Risc + 222 Rotiri Gratuite + 22 Pariu Gratuit T&Cs se aplică. 18+ Join bet365 and get a bet credit bonus see more at bet365. Live events Dodoma vs Kagera Sugar - Tanzania League 2022 Dodoma Jiji vs Kagera Sugar predictions and stats - Forebet Dodoma Jiji vs Kagera Sugar Livescore and Live Video Dodoma Jiji FC vs Kagera Sugar H2H 30 dec 2022 Head to Head stats predictionYou are on page where you can compare teams Dodoma Jiji FC vs Kagera Sugar before start the match. Here you can easy to compare statistics for both teams. If you want to check live score or game statistics click here: Dodoma Jiji FC vs Kagera Sugar result Odds stats Form Goals stats Dodoma Jiji FC Tanzania In Premier League position: 12 (18 points) Change: Kagera Sugar In Premier League position: 6 (24 points) VS today 17:15 - penalties Dodoma Jiji FC in Premier League 12 pos (18 points) Kagera Sugar in Premier League 6 pos (24 points) Check our tipster competition Every month all users start free bets with same stack 200 FC (FcTables Coins) Add bets like in real bookmakers and compete with other users You play only for fun without deposits, awards. Everyday we will send our predictions for your email For all matches our algorithm calculate actual form index for both teams(last 6 matches). 50% First Deposit Offer up to TSh 10, 000 in Free Bets Open an account with bet365 and bet on a huge range of markets Join bet365 and get a Bet Credit Bonus! 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Иван Кириллов
Dec 30, 2022
In Insurance
Dois jogos, duas vitórias! Os sub-17 venceram o Diogo Cão, por 5-1, com golos de Sousa, Gui, Xavi Cavaco e Sambu (2). Os sub-15 também triunfaram na receção ao Guilhadeses, por 4-0. Martim, Chelas, Gomes e Josué apontaram... Ver maisBILHETES: GD CHAVES – FC FAMALICÃO Os bilhetes para este encontro, referente à 14. ª jornada da Liga Bwin, já se encontram à venda na Secretaria do Clube. Vamos fazer a despedida de 2022 com uma grande onda de apoio. Todos ao estádio! #valentestransmontanosVer maisGD CHAVES DESPEDE-SE DA TAÇA DA LIGA COM DERROTA O GD Chaves encerrou a fase de grupos da Taça da Liga com uma derrota caseira por 1-2, frente ao CD Mafra, da Liga Sabseg. Diogo Almeida foi o herói da partida, ao assinalar um bis num estádio historicamente difícil de visitar. O primeiro golo surgiu já no segundo tempo, depois de equilíbrio... Ver maisGD CHAVES DISTRIBUIU PRESENTES E AFECTOS A CRIANÇAS E JOVENSO Centro de Acolhimento Temporário da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Chaves recebeu ontem à noite a visita do treinador, diretor desportivo e de alguns jogadores do Desportivo de Chaves que, entre presentes e “um abraço amigo”, quiseram deixar “esperança”. Desportohá 11 horas Faleceu Pelé aos 82 anos O antigo futebolista brasileiro Edson Arantes do Nascimento, conhecido como Pelé, morreu hoje, aos 82 anos, informou o seu agente,... Famalicão: Dois feridos após despiste seguido de capotamento na A3 na freguesia de Cruz Duas pessoas ficaram feridas, ao final da tarde desta quinta-feira, no troço da A3 que atravessa a freguesia de Cruz,... Bragahá 12 horas Irmãs Carmelitas Descalças celebram os 150 anos de Santa Teresinha A Comunidade religiosa das Irmãs Carmelitas Descalças celebra, esta segunda-feira, 02 de janeiro, os 150 anos do nascimento de Santa... FC Famalicão ao vivo • tv online, direct, gratisData:30. 12. 2022, 17:00 GMT Local de encontro: Estádio Municipal Eng. Manuel Branco Teixeira Para quem você está torcendo? O jogo entre GD Chaves e FC Famalicão será disputado dia 30. 2022 às 16:00 (GMT). O local de encontro, que vai ser muito emocionante, será em Estádio Municipal Eng. Manuel Branco Teixeira. O encontro é jogado como parte da competição: Primeira Liga, Futebol. Worten - Tudo o que precisas em "Queremos manter a ideia ambiciosa, de rigor e concentração. Assim estamos perto de fazer um bom jogo e chegar à vitória. O jogo do Estoril é uma referência, mas já terminou. O passado está no passado. Temos ainda muito que crescer. É por isso que trabalhamos. Temos uma tarefa muito difícil neste jogo e nos próximos", disse. A transmissão na TV está prevista no canal Arena Sport 4, Sport TV1, Arena Sport 2. A transmissão na Internet está disponível em: Sport TV Multiscreen,. Se você souber onde pode-se acompanhar a partida, informe os outros em comente abaixo. More › FC Famalicão - GD Chaves - Futebol - ao vivo Recent games 2022-12-16 20:30 Finished LEA Mafra 1: 2 2022-12-08 19:00 FC Porto 0: 2022-11-22 20:45 FC Vizela 2: 2022-11-13 18:00 LPB Casa Pia AC 1 2022-11-07 20:15 CD Santa Clara 0 2022-10-29 17:00 SL Benfica 5 2022-10-23 17:00 Gil Vicente FC 3: 2022-10-16 14:00 TAC Valadares Gaia FC 3 2022-10-09 19:30 Sporting Braga 2022-10-01 17:00 Estoril 2022-12-15 20:00 2022-12-09 20:45 Tondela 2022-12-02 20:45 Torreense 2022-11-26 15:00 Académico de Viseu 2022-11-13 20:30 Sporting Lisboa 2022-11-09 15:00 Dumiense 4: 2022-11-06 18:00 Maritimo 2022-10-31 20:15 Vitória Guimarães 2022-10-22 14:30 Paços de Ferreira 2022-10-15 14:00 Trofense Team stats GD Chaves FC Famalicão HOME AWAY TOTAL - played won draws lost goals scored goals allowed avg goals scored Scorers stats No. Paíshá 13 horas Recebeu uma convocatória, mandado ou acusação da Polícia Judiciária? Pode ser fraude alertam as autoridades A Polícia Judiciária alertou esta quinta-feira para a circulação de mensagens falsas com o logótipo das forças de segurança, através... Famalicãohá 14 horas Famalicão: Rua de Prado em Gavião cortada devido a inundação A Junta de Freguesia de Gavião alertam para a impossibilidade de circulação na Rua de Prado, resultado das chuvas intensas... João Pedro Sousa espera um Famalicão com ambição em ChavesO treinador do Famalicão admitiu estar à espera de dar continuidade ao que foi feito frente ao Estoril Praia e acredita que os famalicenses estão "no bom caminho" na Liga. João Pedro Sousa garantiu que o último jogo, com o Estoril (1-0), na despedida da Taça da Liga, é uma boa referência daquilo que o grupo quer continuar a mostrar em campo. Jogos ao Minuto - Maisfutebol Vídeos mostram a força das águas do Rio Ave depois de horas de chuva intensa A Fama TV esteve, na tarde desta quinta-feira, nas margens do Rio Ave, onde pode testemunhar o volume de água... Desportohá 16 horas FC Famalicão: “Temos que melhorar alguns aspetos, chegar a Chaves e cumprirmos os nossos objetivos”, diz João Pedro Sousa Em jogo a contar para a 14ª jornada da Liga BWIN o FC Famalicão joga esta sexta feira a partir... Paíshá 16 horas GNR reforça fiscalização rodoviária a partir desta quinta-feira A Guarda Nacional Republicana iniciou esta quinta-feira a segunda fase da operação “Natal e Ano Novo 2022” com um reforço... Onde dá a Bola? - OndeBola - Data/Canal TV jogos futebol, opiniãoAgenda de jogos em destaque Advertisements Informação do Calendário de Futebol na TV OndeBola, Onde dá a Bola? - Consulte a data, hora e canal de TV que transmite o jogo de futebol em direto. Uma consulta rápida da programação do futebol na Televisão. Damos maior destaque aos jogos de equipas portuguesas, principalmente jogos do Benfica, Porto e Sporting, e jogos das seleções de Portugal. Também incluímos outros jogos que consideramos importantes. Canais: SPORTTV, RTP, SIC, TVI, Benfica TV, Eleven Sports, Canal 11, etc. Emissão em Direto » Famatv FAMA TV EM DIRETOYour browser does not support the video tag. Se a emissão não começou automaticamente clique no play azul em cima A emissão linear da Famatv também está disponível em todos os sistemas operativos de smart tvs: LG, Samsung e AndroidTV. PASSO 1 – Ligue a sua smart tv à internet PASSO 2 – na loja de conteúdos, procure por “famatv” PASSO 3 – Instale a aplicação e veja a nossa programação confortavelmente a partir do seu lar. Pub pubArtigos Recentes Famalicãohá 11 horas Famalicão: Eucalipto cai e corta estrada entre Vilarinho das Cambas e Ribeirão (VÍDEO) O mau tempo provocou a queda de um eucalipto na estrada que faz a ligação entre Vilarinho das Cambas e... Parabéns e obrigado, Nuno! #valentestransmontanosVer maisPRIMEIRO CINTO NEGRO DE TRÁS-OS-MONTES É DO GD CHAVESJoão Correia, atleta do Grupo Desportivo de Chaves, tornou-se no primeiro judoca formado em Trás-os-Montes a obter a graduação de 1ºDan, a que corresponde o cinto negro! O atleta, acompanhado pelo judoca Diogo Santos, do Sport Clube do Porto, obteve a aprovação no exame de graduação realizado no passado dia 17 de Dezembro pela Comissão... Ver maisTRIUNFO EM JOGO-TREINO FRENTE AO VITÓRIA BO GD Chaves venceu esta manhã a equipa B do Vitória SC, por 4-1, em jogo-treino realizado no Estádio Municipal Eng. ᐉ Chaves x Famalicão Streaming Ao Vivo, Dica » Como assistir ° Manuel Branco Teixeira. Luther Singh, Jô Batista, Arriba e Abass apontaram os golos da equipa comandada por Vítor Campelos. Afonso Soares marcou o único golo do conjunto minhoto. Ver maisPROMOÇÃOAté ao final do ano, em compras a partir de 50€, tens direito a um perfume de senhora. Visita a nossa loja e fica a par das grandes novidades que temos para ti. Ver maisSORTEIO SOLIDÁRIOUma vez mais, não descuramos a responsabilidade social e estamos cá para ajudar quem precisa. O Rafael precisa de uma cadeira elétrica nova. O sorteio será realizado no intervalo do jogo GD Chaves – FC Famalicão e a receita reverterá na totalidade a favor do Rafael. NIB: PT50019300001050705864185 ou Mbway: 912057317 #valentestransmontanosVer maisFORMAÇÃO: 2 VITÓRIAS NOS CAMPEONATOS NACIONAIS Foi um fim de semana positivo para as nossas cores no que concerne aos campeonatos nacionais. [Assistir ao Vivo!!] assistir Chaves x Famalicão ao vivo na tv Paços de Ferreira - GD Chaves placar ao vivo, H2H e Grupo Desportivo de Chaves - Website OficialNUNO COELHO TERMINOU CARREIRA DE JOGADORNo dia em que Nuno Coelho colocou um ponto final na sua carreira de jogador, o Grupo Desportivo de Chaves e a respetiva SAD felicitam o nosso antigo jogador e capitão pelo magnífico percurso ao longo das 19 épocas que jogou no futebol profissional. Cidade Hoje - Home - Facebook
Иван Кириллов
Dec 30, 2022
In Insurance
Pass completion rate into the attacking third:Portugal 81%, Ghana 57% (Portugal won 3-2)Portugal 79%, Uruguay 64% (Portugal won 2-0)Fernandes and Silva have both completed 40 passes into the final third (with a ridiculous 86% completion rate), and the stalwart Portuguese defense, led by cent-backs Ruben Dias along with veterans Danilo Pereira (31) and Pepe (39), has fended off most threatening buildups. Even one of Ghana's goals came on a cross that a defender deflected. Why they won't: You have to hold onto leads to win it all. Allow even three goals instead of two -- which would have still been overachieving -- and Poland would be on a plane home right now. Why they won't: They can't create opportunities for one of the best strikers in the world. In 19 matches with Barcelona this season, Robert Lewandowski has averaged 4. 5 shots, 0. 8 xG and 1. 1 goals per 90 minutes. In three World Cup matches, he has averaged 2. 3 shots, 0. 6 xG and 0. 3 xG, but Messi's wonderful long-range goal in the 64th minute allowed them to relax. They saw off Mexico, then dominated Poland 2-0 in a match that was closer to about 4-0 than 2-1. There was tension and there were unforced errors, but they finished the group stage atop Group C, with the second-best xG differential in the tournament to date (behind only France). Their defense barely allowed any decent looks over three matches, and they looked the part of the contender they were supposed to be all along. Argentina vs. Poland live stream: How to watch 2022 World Cup live online, TV channel, prediction, picks, odds Poland live stream: How to watch 2022 World Cup live online, TV channel, ... a goal in the tournament so far, joining Brazil and 3 goals. He scored his first ever World Cup goal against Saudi Arabia, but missed on a late chip in the same match and had a penalty saved against Mexico. Those were his only three shots on goal in three matches. He barely touched the ball against Argentina and attempted zero shots. Lewandowski isn't Poland's only high-level player, of course -- 14 other members of the roster play for clubs in Europe's Big Five leagues -- but when your headliner is neither getting the service he needs nor taking advantage of the opportunities he gets, your ceiling isn't going to be very high. He could unleash a hat trick at any time, but if he couldn't do it against Saudi Arabia, it's fair to assume the odds aren't high that he will do it against France. France beat Poland 3-1 to advance to quarterfinals of World Cup 2022: Live updates and reaction France beat Poland 3-1 to advance to quarterfinals of World Cup 2022: Live updates and reaction. Jacob Tanswell. December 4, 2022 at 9:21 AM Never. Stop. Let's be honest: Very little worked as Japan might have hoped for large portions of the group stage. Germany enjoyed 74% possession against them and doubled them up in terms of both shots (26-12) and xG (3. 1-1. 5). They had all the ball they wanted against Costa Rica, but produced very few scoring opportunities, failed to take advantage of what they had and suffered a dismal 1-0 upset loss. Japan will suffer for 85 minutes and beat you in five. Why they won't: Read the last three paragraphs again. You don't win the World Cup by giving superior opponents that many chances. It will eventually backfire, but until then, it's going to be hell to actually eliminate them from this competition. Morocco (first place, Group F)Title odds, per FiveThirtyEight: 1% Round of 16 opponent: Spain (Tuesday, 10 a. Why they won't: OK, fine, they're lucky. You don't get outshot more than 2-to-1, with the second-worst xG differential (per-match) of the 32 teams, and advance very far. They got their doors blown off by France, they allowed Tunisia to attempt three of the match's four most high-value shots (per xG) while scoring on a low-percentage flick, and they have completed just 73% of their pass attempts, second lowest in the competition (ahead of Iran, who still attempted way more shots and created far more shot value). Stat Perform's Goals Prevented measure compares the goals you've allowed to the post-shot xG value of the shots opponents put on your goal. Based solely on that xG figure, Poland should have allowed about six goals in the group stage; they allowed only two because Wojciech Szczesny stood on his damn head. He stopped penalties from both Messi and Saudi Arabia's Salem al-Dawsari, he stopped close-range efforts from al-Dawsari and Argentina's Rodrigo De Paul, and he saved 18 total shots on goal in three matches. 2022 World Cup: How things went for Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Ecuador Just as had happened against Colombia four years ago, Poland were changes for the Cameroon game -- established Brazil's credentials Netherlands (first place, Group A)Title odds, per FiveThirtyEight: 6% Round of 16 opponent: USA (Saturday, 10 a. ET)Why they will win it all: They turn you over. Louis van Gaal's Dutch team is active. They lead the competition with the fewest passes allowed per defensive action (9. 3) and despite leading for the majority of each group stage match, they started 29 possessions in the attacking third to opponents' 17. Midfielder Frenkie de Jong leads the team in ball recoveries, but the pressure is a full-team effort: Netherlands have commanded 57% of overall touches in the attacking third with a 57% possession rate. They've got the raw defensive talent -- Virgil van Dijk, Nathan Ake, Jurrien Timber, Matthijs de Ligt -- to safeguard them while pressing heavily (goalkeeper Andries Noppert has been excellent, too), and they put the ball in more dangerous areas than opponents. They have been fortunate in the finishing department -- they created shots worth 3. 3 xG in their first two matches but scored five goals from them, and they scored one of their goals when Cristiano Ronaldo whiffed on a Fernandes cross (which fooled the Uruguayan goalkeeper) -- but they still created plenty of chances, and they made sure that they were the only team regularly completing passes into dangerous areas. Brazil vs. Cameroon FREE LIVE STREAM (12/2/22): Watch World Cup 2022 online | Time, USA TV, channel Cameroon FREE LIVE STREAM (12/2/22): Watch World Cup 2022 online | Time, ... November, 26: Poland vs Saudi Arabia – Education City Why Brazil, Argentina and more will or won't win World Cup Poland. That match almost ruined two matches; manager Lionel Scaloni made a ton of lineup changes for what turned out to be a dire Brazil vs South Korea times, how to watch on TV, stream online, World Cup 2022 FOX Sports; Telemundo. You can watch Brazil vs South Korea live stream on FuboTV (free trial available). The last thing you want to do is leave available goals unclaimed while trying to bring the World Cup trophy home. France (first place, Group D)Title odds, per FiveThirtyEight: 12% Round of 16 opponent: Poland (Sunday, 10 a. ET)Why they will win it all: Kylian Mbappe. France quickly secured advancement to the knockout rounds by taking care of Australia and Denmark by a combined 6-2 -- which allowed them to field an extremely rotation-heavy squad against Tunisia -- but that score line doesn't do justice to the levels of domination in those two matches. They outshot their opponents by a combined 44-14 and created 6. France vs Poland FREE LIVE STREAM (12/4/22): Watch World Cup 2022 online | Time, USA TV, channel France vs Poland FREE LIVE STREAM (12/4/22): Watch World Cup 2022 online | Time, USA TV, channel. Published: Dec. 04, 2022, 8:00 a.m.. Antoine Portugal (first place, Group H)Title odds, per FiveThirtyEight: 8% Round of 16 opponent: Switzerland (Tuesday, 2 p. ET)Why they will win it all: Where passing is harder, Portugal is better. One would assume that a squad featuring Bernardo Silva, Bruno Fernandes, Raphael Guerreiro and Joao Cancelo would be one of the more creative in the competition, and that has played out thus far. Cameroon vs Brazil summary: Aboubakar winner and red card, score, goals, highlights 1-0 | Qatar World Cup 2022 Brazil, already through to the round of 16 before this game, win the group on goal France vs Poland - Sunday, 4 December, 10am
Иван Кириллов
Dec 30, 2022
In Insurance
Boavista x Vizela palpites, dicas e prognóstico – 30/10Boavista x Vizela se enfrentam no domingo (30) no Estádio do Bessa. A saber, a partida vai ser válida pela 11ª rodada do Campeonato Português, às 13h30 (horário de Brasília). Então acompanhe aqui na PL Brasil o palpite, prognóstico e odds para esse embate. 11ª rodada Boavista x Vizela no Campeonato Português – Casas de apostas recomendadas As melhores odds para Boavista x Vizela Boavista x Vizela Odds Sites de apostas Clique para apostar Intervalo/Final de Jogo Boavista/Boavista: 3. 95 Stake Adicionar ao boleto de apostas Ambas as equipes marcam Sim: 1. 84 Resultado final Boavista: 2, 50 Betano As odds são suscetíveis a mudanças! Confira os palpites, dicas e prognóstico para Vitória SC x Boavista que se enfrentam pela 10ª rodada da Primeira Liga de Portugal. Apostando em Boavista x Vizela palpites – Quais são as melhores apostas para esse jogo? A princípio, os donos da casa, é quem deve tomar a iniciativa. Pois, o time não tem tido uma sequência e quer se recuperar para poder voltar a briga pelas primeiras posições. Intervalo/Final de Jogo – Boavista/Boavista, pagando 3. ONDE ASSISTIR JOGO DO BENFICA: veja a que horas joga o Benfica, escalações e ONDE ASSISTIR JOGO DO BENFICA EM DIRECTO;Nesta quarta-feira (14), Juventus x Benfica se encontram pela jornada 2 da Champions League. Na primeira ronda, o Benfica triunfou sobre oo Maccabi Haifa por 2 a 0 e é o líder do Grupo H da competição, que também tem PSG. A Juventus estreou com derrota para o PSG por 2 a 1 na abertura da rodada e busca recuperação contra os encarnados. Faça sua aposta com a Stake >> Ambas as equipes marcam – Sim Com os donos da casa se mostrando mais ousados em ir para cima, os visitantes podem criar boas oportunidades. Além disso, os clubes tem um saldo de gols muito baixo e vem precisando marcar mais para poder melhorar seus saldo de gols que também é considerado muito baixo. Resultado Final – Boavista Por fim, o Boavista tem forte apoio de sua torcida, que deve comparecer em peso para empurrar o time rumo a vitória novamente para poder sonhar com uma vaga em alguma competição europeia. Faça sua aposta com Betano >> Como foram os jogos anteriores O Boavista tem oscilado na competição. Boavista x Vizela palpites, dicas e prognóstico – 30/10 Confira os palpites, dicas e prognóstico para Vitória SC x Boavista que se enfrentam pela 10ª rodada da Primeira Liga de Portugal. Apostando A lista dos sorteados está disponível para consulta no site ou aplicativo do Nota MT, na opção Sorteios. --Continua depois da publicidade-- As entidades sociais indicadas pelos sorteados também são contempladas, com R$ 10 mil que corresponde a 20% de cada prêmio. Dentre as instituições escolhidas pelos ganhadores estão o Lar das Sevas de Maria, de Cuiabá, a Associação Nosso Lar – Casa do Idoso, de Tangará da Serra, a Associação Protetora dos Animais, de Sinop, o Lar das Servas de Maria, de Cáceres e a Apae de Pontes e Lacerda. O sorteio foi conduzido pelo secretário Adjunto de Relacionamento com o Contribuinte, Jefferson Delgado, que lembrou à população de pedir o CPF na nota nas compras realizadas nesse mês de dezembro. Como participar? Para participar dos sorteios do Nota MT, o consumidor deve se cadastrar, no site ou aplicativo, e exigir a inclusão do CPF nas notas fiscais no momento da venda. Além das compras via delivery, a nota fiscal pode ser emitida com o CPF em lojas físicas como supermercados, bares, restaurantes, padarias, postos de combustíveis, lojas de departamentos ou outros estabelecimentos comerciais. Vitória de Guimarães bate Vizela após prolongamento e está nos 'oitavos' da Taça de Portugal09 novembro 2022 - 21:39 Safira decidiu aos 100 minutos (2-1) O resumo do V. Guimarães-Vizela: golos, casos e outros lances O Vitória de Guimarães qualificou-se esta quarta-feira para os oitavos de final da Taça de Portugal em futebol, ao vencer por 2-1, após prolongamento, na receção ao Vizela, em encontro da quarta eliminatória da prova. Um autogolo de Anderson (30 minutos), que acabaria expulso (104), e um penálti de Safira (100), selaram o apuramento do conjunto comandado por Moreno, enquanto Kevin Zohi marcou o golo dos forasteiros (81), que acabaram com nove. 508 consumidores cadastrados no Programa Nota MT, com 6. 664. 611 bilhetes, o que o tornou o maior sorteio especial desde o lançamento do Nota MT, em 2019. O aumento é tanto em quantidade de bilhetes quanto em número de participantes. Os bilhetes que concorreram às premiações foram gerados a partir dos documentos fiscais emitidos, com o CPF dos consumidores, entre os dias 1° de setembro e 30 novembro. “Tem muitas oportunidades ainda para a pessoa ganhar. Agora no final do ano, as compras já estão gerando bilhetes para o próximo sorteio em janeiro, é uma excelente oportunidade da pessoa ter mais chances de ser premiada”, observou. O secretário adjunto ressaltou, ainda, que o Nota MT é um programa que foi bem aceito pela população e que beneficia toda a sociedade, por meio da educação e cidadania fiscal. Mas, venceu o Portimonense, Casa Pia e Penafiel nos pênaltis. Retrospectiva Boavista x Vizela Decerto, as equipes se enfrentaram 15 vezes. Assim, tem um confronto equilibrado, com os donos da casa tendo quatro vitórias, os visitantes três e mais oito empates. Notícias mais recentes sobre as equipes Os donos da casa tem apenas um desfalque, do lateral Ricardo Mangas, que foi expulso no último jogo. Por outro lado, os visitantes têm dois jogadores suspensos, Kiki por cartões amarelos acumulados e Ivanildo Fernandes por um cartão vermelho. Paços de Ferreira x Vizela onde assistir, horário e escalação A saber, o confronto acontece no Estadio Capital do Movel, em Pacos de Ferreira, pela 13ª rodada da Primeira Liga. Em conclusão, leia até o Sorteio especial de Natal premia cinco pessoas com R$ 50 milO Programa Nota MT contemplou cinco pessoas com prêmios de R$ 50 mil no último sorteio do ano de 2022 – o Especial Natal, realizado nesta quinta-feira (22. 12). De Cuiabá, os sorteados foram Erivelto da Silva Gasques e Evanildes de Arruda Bordalho. No interior do estado foram premiados Kamilla Melo França, de Sinop, Marcindo Leite Ribeiro da Costa, de Pontes e Lacerda, e Rafaela Graziele Castrilon, de Cáceres. O resultado foi divulgado pela Secretaria de Fazenda, em transmissão ao vivo realizada pelas redes sociais da Sefaz (@sefazmt) e do Governo de Mato Grosso (@govmatogrosso). Análise É a interpretação da notícia, levando em consideração informações que vão além dos fatos narrados. Faz uso de dados, traz desdobramentos e projeções de cenário, assim como contextos passados. Editorial Texto analítico que traduz a posição oficial do veículo em relação aos fatos abordados. Patrocinada É a matéria institucional, que aborda assunto de interesse da empresa que patrocina a reportagem. Checagem de fatos Conteúdo que faz a verificação da veracidade e da autencidade de uma informação ou fato divulgado. Contexto É a matéria que traz subsídios, dados históricos e informações relevantes para ajudar a entender um fato ou notícia. Especial Reportagem de fôlego, que aborda, de forma aprofundada, vários aspectos e desdobramentos de um determinado assunto. Traz dados, estatísticas, contexto histórico, além de histórias de personagens que são afetados ou têm relação direta com o tema abordado. 95 na Stake Ambas as equipes marcam – Sim, pagando 1. 84 na Stake Resultado final – Boavista, pagando 2. 50 na Betano Intervalo/Final de Jogo – Boavista/Boavista Os donos da casa tem se mostrado uma equipe bem montada. Porém, não tem feito bons jogos. Mas, conta com o apoio de sua torcida para buscar os três pontos e ficar com a vitória. Sendo assim, deve dominar o confronto, dando poucas oportunidades para os visitantes e ficando assim, com a vitória em ambas as partes da partida. “É um programa que teve muita aceitação por parte da população, que tem grande adesão, tanto que nesse sorteio tivermos o recorde de participantes desde 2019. E que beneficia diretamente o cidadão, tanto por meio dos valores que são sorteados, quanto dos recursos repassados às entidades, e também com o aumento da arrecadação estadual que é destinada a ações de saúde, educação e segurança. Tudo isso através do pedido da nota fiscal das compras”, afirmou Jefferson Delgado. Participaram do sorteio 409. ONDE ASSISTIR O JOGO DO BENFICA EM DIRECTO HOJE: vai dar em sinal aberto? A que horas joga o Benfica? Notícia É o fato ou acontecimento de interesse jornalístico. Pode ser uma informação nova ou recente. Também diz respeito a uma novidade de uma situação já conhecida. Artigo Texto predominantemente opinativo. Expressa a visão do autor, mas não necessariamente a opinião do jornal. Pode ser escrito por jornalistas ou especialistas de áreas diversas. Investigativa Reportagem que traz à tona fatos ou episódios desconhecidos, com forte teor de denúncia. Exige técnicas e recursos específicos. Sendo assim, tem apenas uma vitória, contra o Sporting. Mas perdeu para o Famalicão, Vitória SC e Machico pela Copa de Portugal, além disso, empatou com o Maritimo. Já os visitantes, têm uma boa sequência nas últimas partidas, o que fez o time escapar da zona da degola. Assim, perdeu apenas para o Braga e Santa Clara. Previsão para o signo de Leão hoje, em 28 de dezembro de A transmissão fica por conta da Premiere TV, HBO, Star Plus e SportTV. Você também pode assistir nas emissoras de TV aberta como a Globo e Globo Play ao AGENDA DE JOGOS DE HOJE, QUINTA (01/12) ONDE AGENDA DE JOGOS DE HOJE, QUINTA (01/12) ONDE ASSISTIR AMISTOSOS 12:00 Huddersfield (Eng) x Olympiacos (Gre) 17:45 Mafra x Palpite: Arábia Saudita x México – Copa do Mundo do Catar Onde assistir na TV – Os direitos de transmissão pela TV do Copa do Uma vitória sobre o México colocaria a equipe pela primeira vez Jogos de hoje, domingo, 23/10: confira onde assistir ao vivo e ... Vizela x Santa Clara - 11h30 - Sem informação de transmissão; Chaves x Gil Vicente - 14h - Sem informação de transmissão; Vitória Palpite: Porto x Vizela – Taça da Liga de Portugal Onde assistir na TV – O Taça da Liga de Portugal não tem transmissão o Porto tem o prognóstico na vitória diante do Vizela o

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